How is the Canada Partnership Forum different from other events in the international education industry?
We wanted to create a space for all our partners to come together: ILAC pathway institutions, ILAC agents, and ILAC service providers. But we also didn’t want to copy what other companies were already doing successfully. We came up with a model that gives every university and college partner their own branded classroom to present to agents over two days in a fun and relaxed environment. The event takes place on our campuses so agents from diverse markets can experience what it is like to be an ILAC student in Toronto and Vancouver. Service providers join as exhibitors and sponsors and in the process, everyone has a chance to connect, learn and have an amazing time together.
How has CPF changed over the years?

Originally called the “ILAC Fam Tour”, it was an annual celebration to showcase Canada to our top agents from around the world. As time went on, we began inviting our university and college pathway partners to join the “ILAC Higher Education Workshop”, which included one-on-one meetings with agents and dynamic social events and activities. In 2018, we officially rebranded with our new name and concept as the Canada Partnership Forum. The event continues to take place in Canada every year, alternating between Vancouver and Toronto, but now with a greater focus on Canadian education, agent training, networking opportunities, and partnership building. We now also host worldwide CPFs in different markets that are smaller and more catered to our agent needs and interests.
What are you planning next?
In 2022 we are hosting six CPFs worldwide: Toronto (Local Agents), Mexico City, Bogota, Paris, Istanbul, and Hanoi. Then in 2023, we are inviting our strategic partners to CPF Vancouver from April 28-30. The event will feature group training sessions, networking breaks, and evening social events across the city, followed by a special trip to Whistler for those who want to stay longer for more sessions, socializing, and of course, skiing!
To learn more about upcoming CPF events, visit Worldwide Events | CPF 2022 (